Exodoncia múltiple de terceros molares indicado por DTM: Relato de Caso clínico
Multiple extraction of third molars indicated by DTM. Case Report
Palabras clave:
terceros molares, exodoncias múltiplesResumen
This clinical case report deals with the multiple extraction of four third molars, in a patient who attended the Dentoalveolar Surgery Training Course of the Faculty of Dentistry of the National University of Concepción, FOUNC. She presented pain and other discomfort related to premature contacts caused by the bad position of the third molars. The surgical plan consisted of the extraction of the four third molars, under local regional anesthesia, incision and lifting of a triangular flap, using apex elevators for dislocation and evacuation of the pieces in question, the treatment of the surgical wound was performed with curettage and washing with physiological solution and subsequent simple discontinuous suture with nylon 3.0. It was concluded that the pain in the region and other related alterations can be alleviated with the extraction of the third molars that are responsible for the premature contact, as occurred in this case.
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Derechos de autor 2022 Ninfa Marlene Marín, Carola Rossana Galeano Doldán

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